History of Bach Flower Remedies
Dr Edward Bach was one of the top bacteriologists in Britain and was considered one of the most learned physicians in Europe in the 1920s and 30s. However, he became dissatisfied with the orthodox, scientific approach to medicine and felt drawn to discover a method of healing which anyone could use. This lead him to turn his back on convention and follow his intuition. He gave up his London practices and returned to Wales, where he was born. He wandered the fields in search of simple flower essences that would help us re-balance our mind and emotions. It was his opinion that our mind and emotions are the key factor in good health.
The original 12 flower essences he discovered were published in medical journals and caused a big stir in medical circles. The British General Medical Council moved to strike him from the register on the grounds that his claims were unscientific. He battled the GMC on the grounds that he truly followed the Hippocratic Oath. He won his case and went on to found the Dr Edward Bach Centre in Mount Vernon, Oxfordshire. This is where he discovered the full 38 flower essences, which he considered a complete system that covered every condition of mind and emotion suffered by humankind. With the help of volunteer staff he began treating thousands of patients with great success.
Dr Bach was a man well-ahead of his time. The Centre became a non-profit foundation and all aspects of the work there were conducted in harmony with nature. He was an ecologist and applied this insight in the formation of the Bach Flower Remedies. In 1936, at the age of 50, and in apparent good health, he informedĀ his followers that his work was done and that it was up to them to carry on. He died peacefully in his sleep on the evening of November 27th, 1936. His legacy went on to become a world renowned system of healing that is now on every continent.
Nutri is proud to help continue Dr Bach’s tradition. We offer the full range of Dr Bach’s Flower Remedies and all the essential books. You are welcome to visit our shop and browse. We are available to answer general questions about the system and can refer you to Bach Flower therapists